In order to ensure the quality of our product, every single generator that leaves our warehouse must undergo a rigorous Pre-Delivery Inspection.

This process took place after the decision has been made to purchase the diesel generator before getting it delivered or picked up.

PDI’s are performed on Gogopower Diesel Generator to ensure customer satisfaction and great experience with our products.

All diesel generators are factory tested before they arrive in our warehouse yet we perform PDI’s on the diesel generators to ensure:

  1. The customer is receiving the product in its best form
  2. Sockets are working properly if the customer had ordered them
  3. There are no leakages
  4. No working part is damaged over the period of time
  5. Doing all the individual parts necessary check

Here’s our Pre-Delivery Inspection form for our diesel and gas generators. We are meticulous in checking everything on this form.

A diesel or gas generator does not leave unless it complies with the entire form.

The main check includes but is not limited to:

  1. Lubrication and Oil
  2. Filters (Oil, Air, Fuel)
  3. Oil Level Switch
  4. Circuit Breakers and RCD’s
  5. Battery and Cables
  6. Engine and Alternator
  7. Control Panel
  8. Fuel tanks
  9. Emergency Stop button
  10. 15-20 minutes Continuous Running.

In addition, some of our customers from the field of construction and mining would take an extra step and request occasionally for Load Bank Assessment.

In this type of assessment, the diesel generator is connected to the load bank and all working capabilities of the engine and alternator are thoroughly assessed.

The load bank assessment mainly includes the following:

  1. Connecting generator with the Load Bank
  2. Analyzing the full capacity of the engine and the alternator. This is done by testing the generator starting from zero loads and then doing the increments were at every increment generator runs and tested for 5 minutes.
  3. When the load reaches 100%, the generator is run and tested for 25 minutes. The same is being done and tested when the load is dropped back to zero in increments.
  4. Check Oil and Coolant

If the part would be found damaged or missing, it will be coordinated with the After-Sales service team who will manage to provide spare parts and our qualified service technicians will fix it right.

Once the PDI of the diesel generator has been performed successfully, the Diesel Generator will be wrapped up for pick up / delivery. If you have any questions about our generator, please contact us immediately.


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