diesel generators

Diesel Generators are engineering equipment that burns fuel in the engine during the combustion process in order to form electricity.

During the combustion process, the temperature and pressure within the engine drastically increases. The temperature is required to be cooled down otherwise this can cause wear and tear within the engine and thus can deteriorate the life of the generator.

For this reason, diesel generator comes along with a complete cooling system in order to maintain the temperature of the engine and cooling the engine cylinders.

The Cooling system of the diesel generator compromises of the following main components:

  1. Pump
  2. Radiator
  3. Inlet and Outlet Pipes
  4. Thermostat

Water Pump is a gear-driven pump and runs to circulate the coolant through the engine.

Radiator is an air-cooled heat exchanger that comes with a provision of air inlet and air outlet. Air entering the radiator is blowed horizontally via fan to cool down the coolant in the pipe. Radiators are generally designed above the full load of heat rejection in order to overcome extreme conditions and engine weakening.

Inlet and Outlet Pipes is the passage where the coolant run through the system and during the process absorbs heat from engine to maintain the temperature

Thermostat regulates the flow of the coolant and maintains proper temperature of the engine.

Most of Gogopower Diesel Generators comes with water cooling system, in which the running liquid is mainly compromised of water with other fluids. Water should not be used alone, because at high temperature, it can evaporate and can turn highly corrosive.

Hence, water is mixed with other additives to attain features so that it does not evaporate and can work as anti- freeze to avoid rust, corrosion and other damages.

Operation Explained

To maintain the engine temperature coolant is passed through the coils and therefore heat exchange take place. The coolant releases its cooling temperature and absorb heat from the surrounding. It is important to notice that during this whole process coolant at no instant is mixing with oil, lubricant or fuel.

The coolant passes through the passage which is designed according to the safety measures. Other factors such as surrounding temperature and being at heights can make the engine work harder to produce the necessary output.

This means more heat is being dissipated and internal temperature can arouse quickly. This is where thermostat plays an important by controlling the flow of the coolant (increasing or decreasing its speed) so that the temperature of the engine can be maintained within the defined limits.

The hot water makes its way to the radiator where through the fan its being cooled down and now it’s ready again to be pumped and run through the engine. In this way, coolant runs through the system continuously to cool down the engine temperature.

Over the time, the coolant can gain impurities from the surroundings, therefore, it is crucial to change it after specified period.

Such guidelines are provided by the manufacturer and includes in the operation manual.



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