What is the DC miniature circuit breaker (MCB)?

The functions of DC MCB and AC MCB are the same. They both protect electrical appliances and other load equipment from overload and short-circuit problems, and protect the circuit safety. but the usage scenarios of AC MCB and DC MCB are different. It generally depends on whether the voltage used is alternating current states or direct current states. Most of DC MCB uses some direct current systems like new energy, solar PV, etc. The voltage states of DC MCB is generally from DC 12V-1000V.

The difference between AC MCB and DC MCB by only physical parameters, the AC MCB has labels of the terminals as LOAD and LINE terminals whereas the DC MCB will have positive (+) or negative (-) sign on its terminal.

For more detail,please read the original page https://www.elcb.net/connect-miniature-circuit-breaker-for-dc/


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