What is the difference between an Ultrafiltration water purifier and a Reverse Osmosis water purifier?

The main differences are divided into the following aspects:

1.In terms of filtration accuracy
The filtration accuracy of the ultrafiltration water purifier is 0.01 micron, which can filter water rust, silt, bacteria, large suspended solids, etc.;

What is the difference between an Ultrafiltration water purifier and a Reverse Osmosis water purifier?

The filtration accuracy of the reverse osmosis filter is 0.0001 microns, which means that all impurities except water molecules can be filtered, and it was first used in the field of aerospace science and technology.

2.In terms of water output
The ultrafiltration water purifier has a relatively large water output due to its low filtration accuracy;it is also related to the water pressure of the tap water.

Due to the high filtration accuracy of the RO water purifier,the water output is relatively small.Fro example,the commonly used RO of 75G,the water output per hour is about 12L;and the RO of 400G,the water output per hour is about 64L.The larger the gallon,the higher amount of water.

3.In terms of net waste wate
The ultrafiltration water purifier has no waste water and does not need electricity;

The Reverse Osmosis water purifier has waste water and needs to be powered on.The current waste water ratio of the reverse osmosis water purifier is 1:1.

4.In terms of effluent quality
The water filtered by the ultrafiltration water purifier is generally weakly alkaline,and the water contains minerals,also called mineral water.

The water filtered by the reverse osmosis water purifier is generally weakly acidic,and the water does not contain minerals,so it is called pure water.

5.The power of filtration
Ultrafiltration water purifiers rely on water pressure to drive filtration,and generally the water pressure can reach 0.1Mpa,without electricity or power;

Reverse osmosis water purifier relies on the booster pump to provide power to filter.With power,it can bring many intelligent functions,such as various water temperatures,intelligent reminders to replace the filter element,etc.


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